Thursday, October 30, 2008

A fat lot can happen over ...

So... I got a sms from this weird number saying:
"May I know who is this do u stay in kengeri"
Receive: THU 19:08 30- 0ct - 08
I promptly replied back, to the same weird number, the same weird message:
"May I know who is this do u stay in kengeri"
Send: THU 19:10 30- 0ct – 08
I Rxed:
"Hey actually I lost my cell i had received call by this number so please tell me where you stay near temple"
Receive: THU 19:12 30- 0ct – 08
I Txed:
"When did u get a call from this cell? And if u have lost ur cell how do u remember a call from this cell?"
Send: THU 19:17 30- 0ct – 08
Twenty five minutes passed with no reply, and then it hit me that I might be missing out on the sequel to “A lot can happen over a coffee”.
But since the start here was hugely different, I texted thus:
"Guess I scared you away. I am sorry u lost ur phone. I don’t think we are acquainted, though. Adios"
Send: THU 19:49 30- 0ct – 08
Calling someone a scaredy - cat works all the time. A reply is guaranteed. No one lets that one slide. I waited eagerly, and sure enough the mobile buzzed and I got this incredible piece of information:
"I didnt get you"
Receive: THU 20:00 30- 0ct - 08
I so wanted to retort with a stronger version of “Go soak your head”, but there was still that chance of it being someone of the fairer sex; so I thought I would play along. But, in order to avoid further colossal misunderstandings like the one above, I resolved to henceforth dumb down my replies, so that even a four year old would go “Sheesh! Talk more mature”

And so I went:
"Hehe. To make things simpler – tell me your name and I will text mine."
Send: THU 20:02 30- 0ct – 08
"First you"
Receive: THU 20:03 30- 0ct - 08
"Lol. Sure. I am Aniruddha. Pleased to meet you. And you are?"
Send: THU 20:05 30- 0ct – 08
Receive: THU 20:06 30- 0ct – 08
Grrrrrrrr. 58 minutes through this and I end up with a vijaydreamz equivalent.
"Still think we know each other?"
Send: THU 20:10 30- 0ct – 08
"But tell me where do you stay"
Receive: THU 20:09 30- 0ct – 08
"I stay in Bangalore."
Send: THU 20:10 30- 0ct – 08
"Dude reply man"
Receive: THU 20:21 30- 0ct – 08
There was no end in sight to this. So, I resorted to the same thing that had shut him up in the first place:
"I did, mate. Told ya I was from Bangalore. How on earth did you get this number again?"
Send: THU 20:26 30- 0ct – 08
Well… Guess that worked.
Haven’t heard from him again.

That’s the way the cookie crumbles…

Friday, October 24, 2008

The Hanging

The children always came early to the hanging. And they were usually the loudest. The man could hear them, even though they were out of his sight.

He walked slowly, with his head bowed. He had known it would come down to this some day.

He had no regret for his sins whatsoever. That family had wronged him one too many times. His was an act of rightful revenge. He had been unmerciful in his onslaught.

The trail had been swift and the sentence heavy. But that was expected of a multiple homicide case. He hadn’t uttered a word.

A group of people surrounded him now. There were soldiers in arms, the high priest, the mayor, a few members of loyalty, and a swarthy guy from the family he had taken out, other clergy and a few merchants that walked alongside him.

The thought of that swarthy guy, really angered him. He hadn’t been successful in taking out the entire family. It weighed heavily on his chest now and it hurt deep. Curbing these feelings made him get a bad taste in his mouth.

It started raining softly. It felt fitting somewhat. It helped to calm down his emotions a bit. He resolved himself to go on strong. He wouldn’t give anyone the satisfaction of seeing him break down.

The crowd was within sight now. The children ran towards them. The stones they threw were aimless, and even the ones that hit were ineffectual. Their antics and curses were more like a competition among themselves.

The adults were different though. The jeers and curses were more hurtful and profound.
But he shut out all sounds and only looked dead ahead as he walked.

The posse of people reached the gallows. The soldiers split into two groups and stood guard in front of it, armed and ready. It was at times like this something always happened. The crowd was waiting for the man to break down, try to escape at the last moment, for a woman in the crown to swoon, for a rattling old woman to start cursing hysterically.

The man stepped onto the wooden stairs of the gallows. The made a loud creaking sound as he stepped on them. He reached the top and turned to face the booing crowd.

He had always been good at hiding his emotions. His face was like a mask. The jeers turned more hostile as a few soldiers, the swarthy guy, the mayor and the high priest followed the man on to the gallows.

But he still showed no emotion.

The people, angered now, by the lack of response, were only waiting for the mayor’s signal. Chants of ‘hang him’ ‘hang him’ rent out loud. The high priest finished his prayer and closed his book. The mayor then nodded and bowed his head. That was the signal.

The crowd erupted. The children, however, were staring fascinated - too strung out to make any noise.

The man stepped forward and placed the noose on the swarthy guy’s neck, and tightened it expertly. He stepped back and released the lever.

The ground under the swarthy guy gave way. His neck broke with a loud snap.

The man allowed a faint smile on his face now.
He had, at last, gotten them all.

The crowd was mostly quiet now. They were watching mesmerized, as the dead body, caught by a breeze, started to swing slowly in a lazy circle.

Even if anyone in the crowd caught his smile, it wouldn’t have mattered in the least.

The hangman always seemed happy after a clean hanging.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


PS: Borrowed without permission from Sharath [Seagull's] album

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Gmail doesn't work in Chrome...

...and it seems like I aint the only one with the problem..

Fellow affected dudes with their testimonials:

Roman D Clarkson: "Chrome and Gmail seem to be strangers"
DafyddG: "Chrome - first attempts to open Gmail (GoogleMail)" - And most of the anonymous commenters on that page.
et cetera.

One would think that of all things they would check before making the release - is to atleast verify the functionality of Gmail in Chrome

This is just.. insane

Friday, October 17, 2008


Tuesday, October 14, 2008

The Purpose Of Life

Saturday, October 11, 2008

A lot can happen over gtalk?


[1:39 PM, October 11, 2008]

vijaydreamz: hi
asl pls
me: hi
vijaydreamz: am 25/m located in chennai
n U???

[5:31 PM, October 11, 2008]

vijaydreamz: hi u there???
me: hey
how did u get this id?
vijaydreamz: 4rom orkut:-)
me: hehe
we havent really met before, have we?
vijaydreamz: nope dude...
jus was looking at some profiles n jus wanted to add friends n chat
me: oh
why pick guys then?
vijaydreamz: oh is it???
me: all this time you thought i was a girl?
:-o ?
vijaydreamz: yeah man...
me: c'mon, man
vijaydreamz: oops!
me: did u even look at my profile?
vijaydreamz: nope jus got ur id thought a gal
me: for future reference.. to the right of the profile.. if it says - 'His Friends'
and ‘His Communities’
it means that it is a dude
vijaydreamz: thanks mate will follow tht
me: better luck, man
vijaydreamz: cool
me: u too, mate
vijaydreamz: sure tc

P.S: I hope Kitta will not sue me for using a play of his post as the title of this post, and also most of the P.S's below.
P.P.S: I too hope the Cafe Coffee Day guys will not sue Kitta for using their slogan as the title of his
P.P.P.S: I 2 ht 'SMS Englsh'.
P.P.P.P.S: Again borrowing - Thanks to this anyways. I wanted something to write about and his chat arrived like a silver lining.
'Phinal' P.S : [Kitta's 'Phinal' P.S- Maybe I should call him back again? ;)] This is the only thing I surely ain't gonna borrow.