Monday, September 22, 2008

Weird Search Strings

  • Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh arrived from on "White Noise" by searching for "the word that describes a human being as a lied, sheet, faltoo"


Logik said...

Dude. that ideas shared takaal came on my blog as well. Creepy. I can't even figure out what it means.

Now, Dha - A mental problem. I'd understand. But white noise?

Rakesh Babu G R said...

Dude, for all your brains. Couldn't you guess.
My blog's name is Ideas shared, even though the url is different. I stopped spying on people coming to my blog long ago. It was addictive. It made me delete my blog also, and also my Orkut account.

Unknown said...

the skepticism was about the 'takaal' part, man...
the 'Ideas Shared' part was obvious..
the idea that someone imagined that you would sign your articles as takaal, was strange...