Wednesday, May 6, 2009

PS: 'Cos even small ideas are publishable too'

PS1: TINAMITE: The internal online quarterly magazine of the company
PS2: Before I knew it I had a mail saying -
Aniruddha: Welcome to Tinamite team and we look forward to working with you.
As a part of the 'working with you' I was to write an article to - 'enthuse many more TIers to become a part of/ contribute articles in many ways to TINAMITE'.
PS3: The article is pasted exactly as it appears in the magazine.
PS4: The article below took the least amount of time to post to the blog ever. I just 'selected all' in the original article and middle-clicked in the create-new-post window. :)
PS5: Editing the article in blogger - even adding this PS - is screwing up the entire arrangement of words and images. That is the reason for the existence of this post.
PS6: The background in the original article in the magazine is white.
PS7: TINAMITE May 2009 Issue

Update: The pictures in the post below had to be modified as the original pictures were linked to the company's internal site. :)


skhajone said...

you are a crazy guy. Keep it up :)

Unknown said...

Thank you, I guess!